When it comes to inclusion, there is no one-size-fits-all. This is why our approach is always tailored to the needs of an individual organization and their areas of focus when it comes to both strategic business and DEI objectives. Our RADAR diagnostic tools can be used across multiple diversity strands or used to deep-dive into specific areas of concern or gaps in understanding and knowledge – especially when it comes to the lived experiences of different minority groups within the organization.
DEI Data & Diagnostics
What evidence underpins your DEI approach?
Understanding your organization, employee population and culture is an essential first step in building an effective DEI strategy or roadmap for change.

Our DEI Diagnostics Tools
Our RADAR DEI Diagnostic tools are used to assess the DEI maturity of your organization in relation to best practice.
The purpose is to enable organizations to set an internal benchmark from which to monitor growth and evaluate the effectiveness of current programs and initiatives. This includes getting insights into the lived experiences of your employees from across the business, within specific departments and functions or even global regions.
Our reports include findings and business-critical recommendations based on the current stage of your inclusion journey. The report will be mindful of practical application within your particular organization and the opportunities that exist to adapt, innovate, and supercharge the work already being undertaken to maximize effectiveness and measurable outcomes.
The recommendations are practical to implement and easy to measure.
The diagnostic tools within RADAR levarage both quantitative and qualitative data to paint a full picture of how your organization can drive DEI success. While each tool can be implemented separately, we recommend a full diagnostic for maximum impact.
HR Review
Inclusive HR policies, processes and data collection practices are the foundation of an effective DEI strategy. They actively demonstrate your commitment to all employees and ensure that your organization is set up to support a more diverse workforce and capitalise on the commercial benefits that increasing diversity brings.
Our HR Review takes a broad look at how DEI functions strategically within the organization and the opportunities that exist for your organization to expand the effectiveness of interventions.
Example findings from an HR review may include:
- How effectively the organization leverages DEI data to build interventions and strategy
- What DEI resources exist for employees and how to increase levels of engagement
- The accountability infrastructure for DEI and how objectives are set to support inclusive cultures
- Opportunities for innovation within DEI including collaborations with partners and other companies
- Ways to strengthen ERG engagement and integrate their input meaningfully into strategy creation
Quantitative Data Analysis
We can collect quantitative data from your employees to understand key issues that are affecting diverse groups and creating barriers to retention and progression within the organization. This data looks across the full spectrum of diversity and isolates trends across departments, job levels, and regions which may be impacting or undercutting a move towards a more inclusive internal culture.
For organizations that have already collected employee and engagement data, we can bring our DEI knowledge and analytical expertise to extract key findings and place them within a wider context of driving cultural change.
In both cases, our analysis includes actionable insights and recommendations based on best practice.
Example findings from quantitative data collection and analysis may include:
- Regional variations in company culture affecting the effectiveness of DEI initiatives
- Company policies and practices which may affect diverse groups in different ways.
- Differences in sentiment between different groups of employees such as shop floor and head office
- Specific barriers to career progression for different groups within the company
- Bias or perceived discrimination within management decision making
Qualitative Data Analysis
We facilitate qualitative data collection from specific populations to further understand employees’ lived experiences of inclusion within your organization. Our focus groups provide an open and secure space for employees to give their true opinions of company culture with insight as to how specific DEI efforts and initiatives are succeeding or failing to make an impact.
Focus groups can be conducted in person, or virtually and can be focused on specific populations by diversity, department, region, role, or any other criteria depending on scope and objectives.
Our findings report will bring together key themes alongside actionable recommendations based on best practice for addressing issues raised.
Example findings from qualitative data collection and analysis may include:
- Behaviors from managers which do not align with ambitions on DEI
- Gaps in communication preventing engagement with resources and initiatives
- Difficulties diverse employees find in accessing specific support
- Perceptions of current DEI strategies and interventions, and how impactful they are
- Variations in employee experiences of culture across different groups or region
Why partner with INvolve?

If your organization is new to collecting and using DEI data then we can guide you through the process to ensure you have the insight needed to formulate an effective DEI strategy, track progress, and create impact.
If you are already collecting data, we can be a trusted partner to expand your ambition, overcome challenges, and turn data sets into actionable insights based on DEI best practice.
Using our DEI diagnostic tools we have supported a wide range of global organizations with offices across multiple regions to make data collection a core part of their strategy and objective-setting activity. If you like to know how we can apply our diagnostic tools to support your organization please get in touch.