Advanced Workshops
Our advanced workshops are delivered in an interactive format to provide participants with a collaborative and honest space to further their learning and ability to drive change.
These workshops seek to drive DEI through addressing challenges to progress, igniting relevant and topical conversations and providing practical actions and frameworks for change.
- Inclusive Recuitment Lab
- Purposeful Sponsorship
- Effective Networks Workshop
- HR Leadership
- Leaning into Allyship and Advocacy
- Train the Trainer
Inclusive Recuitment Lab
Inclusion is the crux of an effective recruitment strategy. It ensures that an organization has access to the best talent, which requires constantly evolving and meeting the needs of incoming talent. This workshop focuses on mitigating bias in the recruitment process, enables recruitment teams and hiring managers to employ conscious inclusion and provides support in how to recognize and apply best practice for attracting diverse talent.
Being able to identify and mitigate areas where bias remains unchecked and apply practical strategies to combat elements within a recruitment strategy that can impede progress is key, and participants will be given the tools to actively improve their organization’s recruitment efforts.
"The session was a real eye opener into other peoples views and daily encounters and has made think how I can make a positive change within my circle of people."
Participant feedback average
Purposeful Sponsorship
How can purposeful sponsorship help senior leaders make a direct positive impact on their organisations?
Sponsorship is key to career success, but there is still a lack of senior leaders who buy into the concept. The power in being advocated for, especially for diverse talent, can’t be understated and in this workshop we break down it’s importance, sponsorship’s interconnected nature with mentoring and shift the lens on its’ perception as a ‘nice to have’ to a critical program for career development.
Participants will be able to discern the value of sponsorship within business and leverage these insights to spearhead initiatives within their own workplace, kickstarting a new and important wave of sponsorship in the workplace.
"Really good session - enjoyed seeing some of the theory so that we can then understand and apply. Thank you!"
Participant feedback average
Effective Networks Workshop
How can networks effectively advocate for the interests of diverse employees while balancing the needs of stakeholder and business interests?
Effective networks transform employee initiatives into integral business resources. However, many networks struggle to maintain sustainable engagement, impact and garner support from business stakeholders. Networks must be primed for success and this workshop supports networks to become impactful drivers for change.
Participants gain knowledge around best practice when it comes to creating or managing an existing network, gain guidance to enable effective network governance and strategy and learn to create time-sensitive action plans required for a strong network.
"Fantastic facilitation and preparation to tailor to the needs of our business and ERGs. Inspiring content, experienced and knowledgeable leadership and open/safe environment to encourage great conversation"
Participant feedback average
HR Leadership
What is HR’s role in shifting the dial closer to inclusion?
HR Leaders are integral when in comes to meeting inclusion goals and driving it’s overall success with an organization. Often HR Leaders are the first port of call for their employees and their ability to manage enquires and complaints as well as being able to signpost resources and do the ground work when it comes to implementing programs is essential. HR Leaders require the support and tools to be able to actively create a more inclusive workplace, and participants in this workshop gain exactly that.
This workshop enables participants to influence teams across the business to drive DEI, provide them with the tools to have sensitive conversations around discrimination and they will also examine the impact of bias in recruitment, development and retention.
"Very insightful session, gives more understanding of the topic and consciousness of our own biases."
Participant feedback average
Leaning into Allyship and Advocacy
What does allyship in the workplace look like? How do you overcome fear and tackle the challenge of showing up?
Inclusion initiatives are only as strong as the allies who drive forward change. Inclusion efforts will stall without them and the keen understanding that those with the power, influence and platform to instil inclusion are responsible for creating equitable workplaces.
Despite being critical, showing up for others isn’t always easy and this workshop aims to equip participants with the skills and knowledge to level up their understanding and efforts of active allyship in the workplace. We’ll work on understanding key concepts such as passive and active allyship, provide participants with a practical frameworks that they can apply within their organizations and we’ll explore some of the challenges faced by allies to ensure that the momentum for change is maintained.
"This session was extremely valuable. This seminar gave so many great tips and advice and really opened my eyes to a lot of things."
Participant feedback average
Train the Trainer
An interactive program to empower your leaders to share their learnings from our DEI solutions across your organizations.
Knowledge and skill sharing is vital to embed DEI practices across your organization. Our Train the Trainer program provides your employees with the tools to take the knowledge they gain from our range of trainings and workshops and disseminate these learnings across your business. This helps to drive cultural change across the business and ensures that all your employees are engaged with and committed to driving DEI.